Wednesday, March 26, 2014


  If you are a writer, then you've dreamed about going to Europe, or at least traveling. If you're a Christian, you've probably at least thought about going on a missions trip. That what Euroquest is, a missions trip to Europe.(Surprise!)

  I want to go to Europe this summer with Royal Servants. Obviously this is expensive, and I can't do it a lone. I know that you don't know me, you have no idea who I am, but I do ask that if you want to see the truth of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection spread around the world you would go to the link at the bottom of the page and contribute.
  If you can't afford it, but are still a Bible-believing Christian, I ask that you would please pray that if it's God's will I can make the money.

  (There is more info about the trip, and specifically my reasons for wanting to go at my gofundme page.) Here is the link.

  Thank you.
 Subscribe to my blog if you want, and feel free to comment, with any questions you might have, I'll try my best to answer them.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pros and cons of People watching

I am sure you are wondering (or maybe you're not) what people watching actually is. People watching is simply watching people usually in public places such as malls, or bus stops, for  various reasons, the number one being that you are a stalker, or a creep, but not everyone participates in this sport for those reasons. Another reason to people watch is if you are an actor, a psychologist, or like I am a writer. Watching people can teach you a lot.

  So that brings us to our first pro.
   1)Watching people can teach you a lot. No matter what the reason you enjoy watching people, from your artistic pursuits, to your mother shopping for her fourteenth pair of heels, after you've already tried them all on (watching because you're bored), you can learn from watching. Such as learning how people react to a certain situation, how people dress, walk, and the way people convey their emotions.

  2) People watching is a good way to pass the time. Everyone knows people are interesting, so instead of breathing over someones back trying to get them to hurry up, why not sit and watch some people? It's like a reality tv show, only it's actually reality.

 3) People watching can inspire  you. This is kind of the same as learning, but it's not quite the same. Over-hearing half a phone conversation, or watching a guy help a girl up after tripping (shame on you for not being the one to help) could totally jump start you're next novel!

Of course, there are cons to every good thing, and this good thing has one as well. Here is the single con of people watchng.
  1) Someone might think you are a stalker, and call the cops on you, adding long hours of paper work that could have been spent using all the ideas you had gotten from watching the person who tried have you thrown in jail.

  I of course believe the risks are worth it. So go into the world and watch people!

  Please follow me! simply hit the button in the upper left, or/and subscribe via email. Comments and thoughts are welcome! New blog out every Friday!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Who Are You?

  My experience with pageantry, and well, life in general has taught me that you really need to know who you are. The world admires people who know who they are. 
  So how do you even find out something like that? How do you "get to know yourself" ? One thing is to listen to people. What do they say about you? Christy is a sweetheart. If everyone says that than it's probably true. So you know your nice. People say a lot, like just randomly, and if you're listening you can find out a lot. "Ask Randi, she know a lot about hair." Randi is obviously classy. "I wish Kira were here, she would brighten the mood." Kira is uplifting.

  This works in reverse too. You can find out a lot about your bad traits. like I'm really nice, but I hate to take compliments. I've learned both these things from others talking. Did I think I was nice, not really. Did I think it was a big deal that I never accepted compliments? No, but now I know there is such a thing as too humble. Even if I don't agree I can just thank them.

  By knowing who I am, I can make those traits bigger (or smaller) and become more of an individual. T
 I love this quote thing, it's so true, have a personality, and don't copy others. You'll be happier.
 Please follow me whether its through the follow button, or email subscription. Next week I'm going to post about the pros and cons of people watching!

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

  Everyone has had cancer effect their lives, and you've probably already read a book or two on cancer. This book goes way deeper than the other cancer books I've read. It asks the deepest question known to man, what is our purpose?

  John Green is one of the most elegant writers that I've read in a long time, he can describe things in a few sentences just as good as another author would take four. His characters were painstakingly real, and his plot was simply heart-breaking. But he missed it.
  According to his characters the purpose of life is to have our best life now, and to hope that at the end we liked our choices, and maybe if we are really lucky someone will remember us.

I know there is more than that, and if you read a different book, with an open mind, I'm sure that you will agree that the point of this life is preparation for something bigger, so much bigger and more beautiful. If you read this book with an open heart, you will know the answer to the age old question, the question that separates humans from animals, what is the purpose of life?

 If you really want to know the answer read this book, the Bible (I suggest NIV). Don't roll your eyes. Just read it with an open mind. I have a purpose, and when I die, I know what will happen. Do you know for sure?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Treasured Trash

  Everyone knows the saying that someone's trash is another man's treasure. I have a full box of another man's "trash" but it is in fact treasure to me.

   The box that holds them, laying in dust under my dresser, is the kind of box one would expect to find treasures in. Pale green, with a silver, metal clasp on it. Very pretty, very simple. It's the kind of box I love to open, because I would want to know what was inside. It's the kind the kind of box that needs you to put something special in it.

  So what, you must be wondering (or not) is in this box, that means so much to me? Memories fill it. Have you ever noticed how you're most precious memories, the most treasured things you have, are the things that least matter to anyone else? Your memories are rarely appreciated by a stranger, as the would appreciate money, or food, but yet my memories are really more important than all the money in the world. They are even more important than, dare I say it, than chocolate sweets. I had to say it, I dared myself.

  One memory is represented by a heart shaped, metal hair clip, its red sparkly covering now chipping. It was given to me by a boy I never meant. He was my brother's pen pal, he lived in another country, Kazakhstan, and he sent me the clip, telling my brother that I was beautiful, although he had never seen me, nor I him. The memory is so precious to me, and to you it may amuse for two minutes, it may touch your heart for three, but you will forget soon, because it is my treasure, but it is not yours.

  Another memory is represented by an ugly little doll, who I once thought to be beautiful, with purple hair, and huge eyes of the same color. She was my favorite toy when I was young, if she was not in my hand she was sitting on my dresser, watching over me in the way only a toy could. This little toy is a reminder of my sweet, and quickly fleeting childhood.

  My box of treasure has many other things as well, postcards, from a family vacation; a yellow bracelet, made by my favorite soccer coach; a candy wrapper, from missionaries who went to Israel; all these things, these memories, are my "other man's trash," but some of my deepest treasures.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


This will be my first post on my blog, so I'm going to introduce myself.
  I'm a sparkly kind of girl who loves pageants, writing, drama (the on stage kind) and just about any form of public speaking possible.
  My hopes for this blog is just to share some of my writing and thoughts with the world. I plan on having a new blog up every Friday, so stop by next Friday.
  I have no reason for this picture, other than it is absolutely awesome. Makes you think... why is the fish jumping? Leaving everything it knew to go to a strange place? Why is it different? Will the others ever follow?