Thursday, March 13, 2014

Who Are You?

  My experience with pageantry, and well, life in general has taught me that you really need to know who you are. The world admires people who know who they are. 
  So how do you even find out something like that? How do you "get to know yourself" ? One thing is to listen to people. What do they say about you? Christy is a sweetheart. If everyone says that than it's probably true. So you know your nice. People say a lot, like just randomly, and if you're listening you can find out a lot. "Ask Randi, she know a lot about hair." Randi is obviously classy. "I wish Kira were here, she would brighten the mood." Kira is uplifting.

  This works in reverse too. You can find out a lot about your bad traits. like I'm really nice, but I hate to take compliments. I've learned both these things from others talking. Did I think I was nice, not really. Did I think it was a big deal that I never accepted compliments? No, but now I know there is such a thing as too humble. Even if I don't agree I can just thank them.

  By knowing who I am, I can make those traits bigger (or smaller) and become more of an individual. T
 I love this quote thing, it's so true, have a personality, and don't copy others. You'll be happier.
 Please follow me whether its through the follow button, or email subscription. Next week I'm going to post about the pros and cons of people watching!

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