Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pros and cons of People watching

I am sure you are wondering (or maybe you're not) what people watching actually is. People watching is simply watching people usually in public places such as malls, or bus stops, for  various reasons, the number one being that you are a stalker, or a creep, but not everyone participates in this sport for those reasons. Another reason to people watch is if you are an actor, a psychologist, or like I am a writer. Watching people can teach you a lot.

  So that brings us to our first pro.
   1)Watching people can teach you a lot. No matter what the reason you enjoy watching people, from your artistic pursuits, to your mother shopping for her fourteenth pair of heels, after you've already tried them all on (watching because you're bored), you can learn from watching. Such as learning how people react to a certain situation, how people dress, walk, and the way people convey their emotions.

  2) People watching is a good way to pass the time. Everyone knows people are interesting, so instead of breathing over someones back trying to get them to hurry up, why not sit and watch some people? It's like a reality tv show, only it's actually reality.

 3) People watching can inspire  you. This is kind of the same as learning, but it's not quite the same. Over-hearing half a phone conversation, or watching a guy help a girl up after tripping (shame on you for not being the one to help) could totally jump start you're next novel!

Of course, there are cons to every good thing, and this good thing has one as well. Here is the single con of people watchng.
  1) Someone might think you are a stalker, and call the cops on you, adding long hours of paper work that could have been spent using all the ideas you had gotten from watching the person who tried have you thrown in jail.

  I of course believe the risks are worth it. So go into the world and watch people!

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